CSU Grad Slam Competition

Cal Poly Humboldt California State University Grad Slam Three-minute Thesis Competition with a map

Cal Poly Humboldt Grad Slam March 22, 2024

Cal Poly Humboldt Grad Slam Winners Announced

We're excited to announce our winners of the 2024 Cal Poly Humbodlt Grad Slam! Congratulations to all! Their powerful and innovative presentations connected with the judges and viewers. Our top two winners presenting in the CSU-wide Grad Slam competition are Fortunato and Baron Parks from the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Don't forget to show your support for our top two Lumberjacks as they compete in the State-wide competition hosted by CSU Long Beach on May 3rd, 2024 (live on Zoom). Let's cheer them on!

Student Resources

Cal Poly Humboldt has many resources to help prepare you for this competition. In addition to the info sessions and office hours, check out these additional resources below. 

Academic Career and Advising Center 

As part of the competition you will need a professional headshot as well as professional attire. The Career Clothing Closet in Library 28, Monday through Friday, 11am to 1pm, where students can find FREE, gently-used career clothing in a variety of shapes and sizes. Additionally, the ACAC in collaboration with the library often host pop-up professional headshot sessions. For more information, check out the ACAC website. 

Writing Support from the Humboldt Writing Studio, Library 1st Floor

The Writing Studio provides free writing support for Humboldt students at any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming to final touches. Students at all levels and in all majors can benefit from discussing their writing projects with our friendly, trained writing consultants. We offer in-Person and Zoom consultations for live conversations about your writing and email consultations for written feedback. Open Sunday - Friday, day and evening hours.

Scoring Resources 

In order to set students up for success, the Office of Graduate Studies is providing the Judging Criteria and Rubric ahead of submissions and competition. Please see each below. Any questions can be directed to hsugrad@humboldt.edu.

Rubric & Judging Criteria

5th Annual CSU-Wide Grad Slam Competition

5th Annual CSU-Wide Grad Slam Competition

April 10th 1:30pm-4:00pm at Godwin Forum (NHE 102) 

Following up on last year’s successful event, the 5th annual CSU Grad Slam will take place May 9, 2025, hosted in virtual format by California State University San Bernardino. Grad Slam is a fast-paced and exciting event in which graduate students present their research, scholarship, and creativity in no more than three minutes, using just one slide. Grad Slam participants gain valuable experience delivering a professional presentation and competing for cash prizes and statewide notoriety.

The CSU Grad Slam aligns with Three Minute Presentation competitions that have become a staple of the university graduate student experience to promote and exhibit graduate student research and scholarly activities across more than 200 universities worldwide. First initiated in 2008, this approach to developing the skills to describe the research and scholarly activities to a general audience has grown to provide an accessible way to display and celebrate the variety and complexity of graduate student scholarship on these campuses.

The top two winners from individual CSU campus competitions from over 20 campuses will deliver their presentations in front of panels of judges. 

4th Annual Cal Poly Humboldt Grad Slam Competition

4th Annual Cal Poly Humboldt Grad Slam Competition

Cal Poly Humboldt’s Grad Slam Competition celebrates the exciting research conducted by graduate students. The competition supports students' capacity to effectively explain their research in three minutes (or less), in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience. For some, it helps to develop an "elevator speech" for their research.

Students presented their research in three minutes or less in front of a live audience. One winner was chosen from each college with a tie for the top winners in the College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences. The top two winners from the Cal Poly Humboldt Grad Slam Competition will move on to compete in the CSU-Wide Grad Slam Competition.



Registration to participate in the 2025 Cal Poly Humboldt Grad Slam Competition is open until March 17th. Please use this link to register.  



All active master's and doctoral students who are conducting independent research or projects, including independent research projects done for a graduate-level class, are eligible to participate in Grad Slam competitions at all levels. Entrants must be current graduate students at the time of the competition (i.e. enrolled in the Spring 2025 semester).

  • Group projects or group research are not eligible for submission and/or presentation in Grad Slam competitions. All projects and/or research must be conducted independently by the student applicant.

  • Fall 2024 graduates are not eligible to participate in Grad Slam 2025. 

Cash Prizes!

Cash Prizes!

  • 1st place: $400

  • 2nd place: $300

  • 3rd place: $200



There will be two information sessions hosted by Baron Parks (winner of the 2024 CPH Grad Slam) in Siemans Hall Conference room 217B and via Zoom. These information sessions will be held March 5 at 3:30PM and March 7 at 1:30PM.  


Register to attend an info session here

2024 Cal Poly Humboldt Grad Slam Winners

2024 Cal Poly Humboldt Grad Slam Winners

College of Arts Humanities and Social Science Winners 

Jasmine Fortunato She/her/ella Applied English Studies Advisor: Dr. Andrea Delgado Where Did All the Color Go?: Exploring Experiences of Colorism in Children’s Literature

Baron Parks He/Him  Environment & Community Advisor: Dr. Kaitlin Reed Youth Leadership Development Through Mentoring and Curriculum

College of Natural Resources & Sciences Winner

Julie Sorfleet She/her/hers Environmental Science Management Advisor Participatory Mapping as a Proposed method for Engaging Stakeholders in Spent Nuclear Fuel Relocation from Areas Exposed to Coastal and Climate Hazards: Jennifer Marlow, J.D.


College of Professional Studies Winner

Emmett McMahon He/Him Kinesiology Advisor: Dr. Justus Ortega Evaluating Critical Speed as a Predictor of Performance


Past Winners

Past Winners

2023 College of Arts Humanities & Social Sciences Winner

Daniela Tierra

2023 College of Natural Resources & Sciences Winner

Esther Obikoya

2023 College of Professional Studies Winner

Peggy Scarborough

2023 Grad Slam Award Winner

Alicia Martin

2023 People's Choice Winner

Jekka Jones